Lamesha set a goal to finish her draft in 30 days

I’m Writing a Book in 30 Days!

Every year, many writers accept the challenge to complete a 50,000-word novel during the month of November. I’ve never seriously attempted this challenge for writing a new project. Previously, I’ve used this time to work on revisions for a project. But this year, I decided that I wanted to try to write my first draft of Book 2 during November.

What About #LameshaJuniorNovel?

I’ve finished 5.5 revisions on #LameshaJunior Novel. I’m pleased with the progress that I’ve made on it and will post a new blog on that project once I decide to start querying.


After I announced that I would accept the National Novel writing challenge, I felt a lot of pressure. What if I don’t finish the book? What if I don’t make the daily word count? What if I write 50,000 words but my draft isn’t finished? What if this takes away from the progress that I’ve made with #LameshaJuniorNovel?


It’s hard to not compare my progress when I look at other writers updating how many words they’ve written. The first day, I didn’t make the word count goal, but I saw so many other writers post that they’d written more than double the suggested word count. I had to put things in perspective. Yes, someone else wrote more words than me, but I had 0 words the day before. I chose to be proud of my progress and take steps each day to write more words. I chose to be proud of other writers who achieved their writing goal. Being negative won’t help me finish this book. Feeling discouraged won’t help me finish this book. But encouraging myself will put me on the path to finish my book.


Just like I initially felt discouraged when I didn’t make a goal, I also felt comforted by other writers when I could tell them missteps that I made. Someone else didn’t make their word count and we could encourage each other. Someone that did make their word count could give us tips. It’s been really helpful having other writers to chat with on social media.

Feeling discouraged won’t help me finish this book. But encouraging myself will put me on the path to finish my book.

Lamesha Junior


I’ve been super excited about writing this new book. On the second day of the challenge, I broke a writing rule. Writing Rule: Don’t edit your draft until you’ve finished. I spent most of that day revising the first chapter that I wrote on Monday. I couldn’t help it. There were so many new ideas I had for my characters and how to improve the scene. I dreamed about them and just couldn’t resist. And we’ll…. I again didn’t make my word count.

It’s so hard to just write and not revise. To help me, I’m going to set timers and only challenge myself to write during that time period. I posted about breaking the no revising rule and other writers reminded me to give myself permission to write badly. If I let go of being a perfectionist during my writing time, I will hopefully be able to complete my daily writing goals.

But what if…

What if I don’t finish this challenge? I refuse to consider not making this goal. So I’ve flipped every negative thought and turned it into something positive. I’m too excited about working on this new book!

My goals for the week

  • Write without revising
  • Allow my draft to be messy
  • Stay positive
  • Encourage another writer

All the best

~ Lamesha



